The semester is ending, so I wanted this moment to I wanted to have this instance to reflect on the last months. I liked this subject, it was a very special time to improve and learn new things, and also a safe space where I was very comfortable with the teacher, because she is understanding and the way she teachs is very kind, so I am very greatful with her. The use of blog was a excelent tool to study, and I enjoyed a lot doing every blog, as there were many interestering topics.
The aspects of muy English that I need to improve are my written skills, I just need to have a large vocabulary to express myself in a better way, and this is also important for my oral crafts. My plan to reach a better vovabulary is trying to doing daily goals as learning 10 new words everyday.
Outside of the English class I use a lot of this lenguage, because I watch movies without subtitles and also I am scroling on American and British TikTok. As well, I have a lot of friends worldwide and we only speak in English.
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